We will go to the temple to pray for blessings for each and every order.









We are going to the temple for blessings today. Next time will be a week from now.

Let’s See Our Mission

At BlessedLyDazz, we made it our goal to ease your worries about the future so you can live in the moment.

We carefully select products for our customers and personally go to ancient temples to make wishes and bless them.This is one of our unique services.

We will provide video clips of blessing process to our customers. In this way, customers can witness the blessing process with their own eyes, experience the compassion and blessings of the Buddha, and to feel healing, abundance, love or protection.

Efficacious and Sacred Temples

With a history of over 1200 years, Jingshan Wanshou Zen Temple is also known as the 'First of the Five Mountains and Ten Temples in Jiangnan'.

People visit Jingshan Temple for prayers and worship to attain inner peace, tranquility, blessings, and even the potential fulfillment of personal wishes. Jingshan Temple is also renowned for its numerous miraculous stories and wonders. It will serve as a sacred place where we offer our prayers for you.

Do you know your zodiac sign?

Stepping into the new year, the light of the Chinese zodiac illuminates the path ahead, unveiling a journey full of mystery and anticipation. The twelve zodiac signs, akin to constellations, carry unique codes of destiny, each radiating distinct energies and enchanting charm.

In this year brimming with blessings and divine influence, choosing an exquisite product that aligns with your Chinese zodiac sign is the first step toward happiness and prosperity. Each zodiac sign carries its unique symbolism and significance, much like constellations bearing the codes of destiny. This is not merely a wonderful gift but also a soothing balm for the soul, a symbol of blessings and divine protection.