What are the differences between the Gold Swallowing Beast and the Pixiu?

As is well known, in Chinese culture, the Pixiu is a mythical creature that attracts wealth. Are there any other mythical creatures in Chinese culture with same functions? Of course, currently, the most popular one in China is the GOLD SWALLOWING BEAST!

In traditional Chinese culture, both the Pixiu and the Gold Swallowing Beast  are auspicious mythical creatures symbolizing wealth and good fortune. However, although both are associated with wealth and auspiciousness, Pixiu and the Golden Toad differ in their imagery, symbolism, and historical background。

The difference in appearance:

The Pixiu and the GOLD SWALLOWING BEAST have obvious differences in appearance. The Pixiu is a fierce mythical creature, legend has it that it has the head of a dragon, the body of a tiger, and the wings of an eagle, with a majestic appearance, symbolizing strong power and protective abilities. The GOLD SWALLOWING BEAST, on the other hand, is usually depicted as a chubby and cute creature, with the head of a lion, the body of a pig, and the tail of a snake, with a lovable appearance, symbolizing the ability to attract wealth.

Differences in symbolism:

Although both the Pixiu and the Gold Swallowing Beast are associated with wealth, they carry slightly different connotations. The Pixiu is more commonly associated with warding off evil spirits and misfortune. It is believed to be a mythical creature capable of redirecting wealth energy, dispersing adversity, and bringing good luck and fortune. Particularly in commercial settings, the presence of Pixiu is ubiquitous, symbolizing prosperity and abundance. Additionally, Pixiu is also believed to possess the ability to ward off evil and bless people with peace and health.

The Gold Swallowing Beast, on the other hand, is seen as a mascot capable of attracting wealth energy, symbolizing continuous financial abundance and prosperity. However, in ancient literary works, the term "Gold Swallowing Beast" was even used to describe a creature that devours wealth. Nevertheless, it does not entirely bear negative connotations. In the "Classic of Mountains and Seas," it is mentioned: "In the southwest, there is a mountain named Mount Yanzi... There is a beast there, resembling a horse with dragon scales, running at full speed." This describes the appearance of the Gold Swallowing Beast, which also signifies major changes to come.

Differences in wearing:

In China, a very popular way of wearing is to wear a family of Gold Swallowing Beasts on a bracelet. This is because each member of the family represents different aspects of attracting wealth, with various kinds of wealth energies: wealth, financial stars, financial sources, etc.

🔹 Mom: In charge of wealth, supplementary wealth, and the blessing of prosperity.

🔹 Dad: In charge of financial resources, main wealth, and the blessing of wealth and rank.

🔹 Baby: In charge of financial stars, main and supplementary wealth.

With these three Gold Swallowing Beasts at home, it represents the meaning of continuous financial resources, gathering wealth auspiciously, and prosperity arriving with wealth. In today's society, it's difficult to move forward without wealth! Adopt a Gold Swallowing Beast to absorb various wealth energies from the sun and moon and welcome them into your home.

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